How to make a Sales Opportunity a success?

Congratulations on your new sales opportunity! Here’s how Algrano suggests you proceed:

  • Make Contact: Start a conversation with the roaster. Let them know you’ve noticed their interest and are excited to provide a tailored offer.
  • Gather Details: If the opportunity involves a “sample match” or “resale opportunity” and you’re unsure of the exact quantity the roaster needs, reach out to the roaster directly. Confirm the quantity and any other relevant details.
  • Ask Key Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Roasters are usually eager to share information about their needs and how their business operates. This will help you organize a well-suited offer.
  • Tailor Your Offer: Use the information you’ve gathered to create a customized offer that aligns with the roaster’s requirements.
  • Follow Up: Stay engaged with the roaster throughout the process. Be responsive to any questions they might have and make any necessary adjustments to your offer.