Shipping Service: what are the steps to join a shared shipment?

Ship small volumes by sharing container space with other producers. We connect you to partners that can export!

Getting a shipping service quote gives you an idea of how much it will cost to get your coffees shipped. If you want to use the service, this is what you need to do next:

1. Depending on the verification status:

  • Verified producers: Log in to your account and create a private offer. Simply go to the Inventory page and click on "Create a New Coffee Lot" (if you don't have the lot listed yet) or "New Private Offer" (if you already have the lot listed publicly on the marketplace). Share the link with the roaster.
  • Non-verified producers: get in touch with Algrano at and send us the following information: the quantity of bags you want to ship, bags size, packing type and the FOB price in USD. Make sure to contact the indicated exporter on the shipment you want to join to provide an accurate FOB price, including the costs of taking your coffee to the partner's warehouse.

For more information about how to calculate the FOB price please visit here.

2. Once the roaster and the producer agree on the details, please let the Algrano team know. and we will send him/her a contract for signing. 

Please note that the roaster also needs to have an account on Algrano.

3. Then, our team will confirm the order with you and the exporter. 

4. Deliver the coffee to the partner's warehouse milling and sorted unless specified. The delivery deadline for the coffee to the partner's warehouse will be communicated per shipment and can be of up to 30 days before shipping. You will be able to see the details in your account.

5. Shipments are scheduled according to sales timelines for a given exporter. When the sales window for the exporter ends, we will send shipping instructions. All sellers are informed about delivery deadlines and shipping dates. At this point, the producer can bring the coffee to the partner's warehouse.

6. Once we receive and accept the exporting documents, Algrano pays the exporter (CAD in full). Then, the exporter will pay the producer. The currency exchange rate will be fixed by the exporter on the day of the payment.