Shipping services: How do I calculate the FOB price?

The FOB price includes:

- The price of the coffee
- All the costs to bring the coffee to the shipping vessel.

To calculate this price, producers need to consider how the container will be exported.

1. Exporting by yourself:
   In this situation, please factor in the following costs:

  • Farm-gate price
  • Milling, bags, exporting costs (transport, documentation, etc.)

    2. Shared shipments:

For shared shipments, please factor in the following costs:

  • Farm-gate price
  • Milling, bags, exporting costs, etc (to obtain these costs, please contact us to get the details of the exporter partner in your origin. You can select which services you will be needing from the exporter, as some also offers milling services, bag marking, etc).
  • Consolidation fee: This fee will be added on top of the FOB price to account for the cost of consolidating multiple lots on Algrano.

 If the coffee is part of a shared shipment, you'll need to obtain the exporting cost from the exporter partnered with Algrano for this specific shipment. For this information, please contact