What are the Sales Opportunities on Algrano?

We’ve introduced Sales Opportunities to help you identify and manage potential sales within our marketplace.

At Algrano, we want producers to be successful sellers of their coffee. To support this, we’ve introduced Sales Opportunities to help you identify and manage potential sales within our marketplace.

With Sales Opportunities, you can:

  • Keep track of all your sales opportunities in a single overview
  • Learn about new opportunities automatically created by Algrano based on:
    • Your sales from last year (Resale opportunities)
    • A roaster who marked your sample as a 'match' (Sample Match opportunities)
    • A request for coffee made by a roaster for your origin (Request opportunities)
  • Chat directly with the roaster about their needs
  • Share tailored offers directly with roasters

You can also track the progress of each opportunity as it moves through various stages, from "New" to "Offer Sent," and ultimately to "Closed Lost" or "Closed Won."