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  2. Coffee Requests

What happens when I create a Coffee Request?

Share your needs with multiple sellers in one click.

Your request is reviewed by our team, before being shared with Verified Sellers who match your search criteria. The request appears on their dashboard with all relevant information, just like on your dashboard:
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View of Request tab on seller's dashboard pictured above. The details don't correspond to real requests and are merely illustrative.

Sellers who believe they can match your needs can either share an offer already listed on the marketplace (with samples available and shipments planned) or create a new private offer, which is not listed on the platform (samples will need to be sent and shipment dates agreed).

You will be notified when new offers are made and will be able to compare them in table view in your dashboard under the Requests tab. For any offer, you may pre-order samples or reach out to the respective seller.

Screenshot 2023-02-21 at 09.46.17Screenshot 2023-02-21 at 09.39.39

Please contact the seller in case of questions about specific offers and reach out to the Algrano team at info@algrano.com to request FCA offers and samples.

Remember to close your request if you find the coffee you need before your deadline.