What is an offer on Algrano and what are the different types?

An offer from a given coffee lot that is limited in time and quantity.

An offer from a given coffee lot that is limited in time and quantity.

The quality and price of a coffee lot might differ from harvest to harvest. Therefore, there can be many offers in one coffee lot (e.g. from different years or private offers) as new harvests take place.

There are three potential states for the offer:

Upcoming offer:

Coffee that is in production, but not yet ready to sell. Typically samples can be ordered already but they might be of a past crop. The coffee can be pre-contracted by reaching out to the seller or to Algrano.

Past offer:

This offer status is established at the end of the sales period. A past offer is no longer available for purchase. Past offers can still be viewed on the producers profile to get an idea of what the producer has been offering in the past. You can contact the seller and ask if there is a plan to produce this coffee again in the future.

Private offer: 

A private offer is not publicly listed on Algrano. It can only be accessed by certain roasters, as defined by the seller.

Current offer: 

A current offer contains coffee that can be bought by roasters right now. Algrano has typically sampled the coffee already to ensure its quality independently from the producer. In this case roasters can also order samples of the offer.