What is the Algrano service fee for sellers?

It is a percentage charged on top of the Verified Sellers' price on all successful sales on Algrano.

It is a percentage charged on top of of the Verified Sellers' price on all successful sales on Algrano. It covers the platform's unique matchmaking and consolidation services. These are essential for coffee producers to establish and maintain successful partnerships with roasters.

Implemented in 2022, the fee reflects the increased value the platform has been able to create for its users and Algrano's commitment to improving services and features according to the needs of our users. 

The fee is only charged on successful sales when the benefits of direct trade materialise for sellers in the form of new orders and relationships. Other services, such as verification and sample distribution, remain free of charge.

How does the fee work?

Each seller has a unique percentage fee, calculated according to the offer price of an offer. In general, new sellers will be charged a single-digit percentage fee. This percentage may vary and is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

The fee is set automatically when you create a new offer and shown under Price Configuration.

You’ll know exactly how much you’ll be charged before setting your final price and can adjust your offer if you wish to do so. See below:

If you have more questions, please reach out to our Sourcing Team at sourcing@algrano.com


Before you sell

You can view your current service fee on every offer by accessing the Price Option. Simply go to your Inventory page and click to edit the price of an offer. On the price edit form, you will see the fee for that offer.

Important: the value you will be paid corresponds to the Offer price (Farmgate + Export). The fee is added to this to create the FOB price.


As soon as you sell a coffee

To view your sales, navigate to the Sales Overview in your dashboard. Click on any contract ID number in the list (see above) to visualize your earnings and the total amount that will be deducted from the FOB price.

As each contract is charged separately, you can see the total earnings and fees for all sales in a given shipment. On the Sales tab, click on View Shipment.

To make accounting easier, you can download this information in a spreadsheet format.